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filemaker6 and file permissions


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I'm running fm5 server on MacosX.3.8 Server and am wondering how fmpro clients handle filesystem permissions. For example, when a fm script runs an import from a file on the server, what username is asking for that file? I've looked in netinfo and can't seem to find a user called "fmpro" (the way I would "mysql" or "www"). So how is the os determining access?

Also, any tips for sure-fire imports/export from/to any location on the network using filemaker, I'm running into trouble with fmpro's ability to remember where it is importing from!


JR Bernal

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Howdy, JR! I don't really know, but my understanding is that FM executes as the currently logged in user. MySQL requires its own user because it can run in the background regardless of what user you happened to be logged in as on that machine. FileMaker, on the other hand, must run as whatever user you happen to be running it as. I haven't done imports through scripts, but I'd assume it's just like if you were doing it manually.

I'm not sure about imports/exports, but I hear folks working with lots of graphics tend to use paths to graphics instead of the graphics themselves. I mostly work with web stuff, though, so that may not apply to regular client-side solutions.

Hope this helps some, though!


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This topic is 6984 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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