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I have Created 2 Tables Master and Detail, in master table i have created "Total Quantity" a calculation field - sum(detail::qty) - for calculate total quantity in the detail table,

if i enter find mode in the master layout and than finding by "Total Quantity" field whit >0, the massage "No record Match" is appear,

so why ?


It should work fine. No matter whether you are using text or number fields for either your Sum() calculation or the Detail::Quantity field, Sum() would produce results if:

1) You have records in Detail (even just one)

2) Those records have quantities (even just one)

3) There are records in Detail with a MasterID which also exists as ANY record in Master with the same ID.

Example of #3: Master has MasterID 1 and MasterID 2. It is joined to Detail's MasterID field. No records exist in Detail which either have MasterID 1 or MasterID 2.

4) You haven't assigned IDs to your Master records. The relationship would still be valid, except no match could be produced.

I assume you've checked for the presence of the first two criteria, so I would check for the third and fourth.


Thank you MonShadow

The relation betwen 2 tables have valid.

I have inserted 100 records in Master table and 200 records in Detail table, those records in Detail::Quantity field have quantities.

in browse mode i can show values in Master::Total_Qty field, for example : 10, but if i enter find mode and typing in Master::Total_Qty by >5 then Click Find button, the message "No records match" still appear.

i want to show records in master table that have Total_Qty >5 only.

can you help me ?


If it is displaying 10 in the Total_Qty field then indeed you have a valid relationship; and it wouldn't even matter if that field was accidently based upon a different TO. It still should produce results from a find if it's displayed.

And you're not wrapping with quotes or anything in your Find? If your Find was scripted, I'd suggest checking your Find Requests but you've performed this manually?

Even a space between > and 5 shouldn't matter for finding a number. Nothing I've experienced or read about would explain it, I'm afraid. Maybe others can give ideas.


Thank you MonShadow,

-The relationship is valid

-in my Find not wrapping with quotes or anything

-my Find wasn't scripted, both Find and performed manually

-i'm typing >5 only

i will searchig my file, maybe something wrong other

thank you



In your field definitions, make sure that your quantity calculation is set to produce a number, and not text. Numerical calculations which are formatted as text tend to behave differently than expected...



i have found solution this problem,

the master table still running in filemaker server, and detail table not in server.

so, this problem was gone for me.

thank you all

This topic is 7272 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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