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global fields and sessions


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In my application, there is a screen that has a portal on it. The relation to the portal is based on a global field (gNo). I then let the user click on a button that calls a script which changes the value of gNo, and the data displayed in the portal changes accordingly.

Now, I am working on making this screen using XSL (transforming XML to HTML). I have created a link which calls the script, and this seems to properly change gNo, but it does not seem to change it more than once. I know that if you want to update a global field, you have to use the .global syntax in order for the value to be tracked during the current session. Is the problem occuring because I call a script which then does the SetField on my global field?

I guessed that my problem is either the global value is not persisting between requests, or my sessions are not working properly. I can only assume my sessions are working correctly: I am not being asked to login each time I click the link, so I assume FileMaker knows I am in the same session.

Can anyone help?

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