shaneferguson Posted September 26, 2005 Posted September 26, 2005 (edited) Hello, Many thanks to everyone who has tried to help me in past posts. As it stands, i've got a database which is going to be a membership database. I have a layout called 'Factory' which allows me to add/edit/delete factories on the database. Fields include Factory Number/Name, Address, etc... I need one field - the Factory number/name to appear on another layout in a dropdown list. As factories are added/deleted - i want the dropdown list to change to suit. I have created a Membership table (all the details to suit a member) and a Factory table. I can add and delete factories, but when i go to amend the member data - eg: change factory name, i can choose a factory from the dropdown but it can not be seen in Browse/find mode etc. I've no doubt missed something silly (and obvious), but i am a newbie at all this. Previous advice in earlier posts include adding a join table. Do i need one, and how do i do it..? Other advice has been to look at a tutorial. I have done, and still am - it's just that this has to be done by tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday) - so it's a matter of balancing workng out what to do/doing it as i go. Unfortunately, i seem to be heading Could someone please point me in the right direction/help me to link the data. Any help woud be most appreciated. (Use Membership number 1,2,or 3 to view member details, and 'Amend Details' to change data.) Kindest Regards, Shane contact: [email protected] Edited September 26, 2005 by Guest
Genx Posted September 26, 2005 Posted September 26, 2005 (edited) shane could you make your question a bit clearer please? i.e. what particular layout / what particular field... Edited September 26, 2005 by Guest
Genx Posted September 26, 2005 Posted September 26, 2005 (edited) ... your ''factory'' field is a related field from your factory table where as it should be a field from within your membership table... change it and your data will store / be added correctly... thats in your ammend history layout btw... Edited September 26, 2005 by Guest
shaneferguson Posted September 26, 2005 Author Posted September 26, 2005 Sorry - i'll try to explain better. The attached database has 3 layouts (called 'Current Details', 'Amend History', and 'New Member'). These are set up so that when i add a new member, or amend an existing member's data - a scrollable 'history' of changes is made. This history can then be viewed by the database user. This works. On these 3 layouts is a field called Factory. What i need is this field to display a dropdown list of factory numbers and names: eg: 01 ACME MARL 02 HEPWORTHS MINERALS & CHEM 03 ROYAL STAFFORD TABLEWARE etc. However, the important part is that i want this dropdown list to automatically change if a factory is added or deleted. Factories are add/deleted to this list from the layout 'Factory'. (The only field needing to be transferred over to the other layouts is 'Factory number/name). I have tried different things. However, i can't get the database to work right. I've got till tomorrow afternoon to sort this - and am going backwards. I've tried looking at a few tutorials, but with the time scale being limited, i've tried to work it out - Failing miserably. Hope this makes more sense. Kindest Regards, Shane. contact: [email protected]
shaneferguson Posted September 26, 2005 Author Posted September 26, 2005 Hi, I didn't see your 2nd reply before i replied. I've changed the setting on the Amend History layout - however, but still no data is showing up in the Factory field (on New member, Amend History, or the Current Details' layouts). Do i have to change all 4 factory fields - 3 on the above mentioned layouts, plus the field on the 'Factory' layout...? Told you i'm going backwards.... I appreicate the help/advice you've given - and would certainly be grateful for any more. Kindest Regards, Shane.
Genx Posted September 26, 2005 Posted September 26, 2005 (edited) ok, firstly, like i said before you have a mistake in your ammend history table... your factory field should be a field from the membership table (fixed in attached file) secondly the value list works fine, you just had multiple records of the same value i.e. 2 x 05 spode... the value list filters these and shows only one (have made the factory id to be unique in attached file)... so when you deleted one it still showed the other... anyway, ive put in some sample data into this one, you tell me if its working or not for you... Edited September 26, 2005 by Guest
shaneferguson Posted September 26, 2005 Author Posted September 26, 2005 Hi, Thanks for your help and understanding (and patience). However, i can not download the attached .rar file. It's coming up with an error message. Could you please try reattaching/zipping the file. Many thanks, Shane.
Genx Posted September 26, 2005 Posted September 26, 2005 in regards to changing the factory field: no, only in membership data ...
shaneferguson Posted September 26, 2005 Author Posted September 26, 2005 Hi... Thanks for reposting the attachment. It's still not letting me download/open it. I've tried on a couple of PCs and still no joy. Could you please try zipping the file, or emailing it me to: [email protected] Again, many thanks for your time.
shaneferguson Posted September 27, 2005 Author Posted September 27, 2005 Hi, Thanks for the file. I've had a look at it, but unfortunately it has the same problems that i came across: i: If you use 'Find A Member' from the first screen, when it brings up the information for the member - the Factory field is empty, with nothing showing. ii: If you use 'Amend History' from the Membership screen to select a factory from the dropdown list, it says that this field should be unique - and do i wish to select the factory anyway. The answer is Yes - because numerous members may work at the same factory, so therefore this field isn't unique. iii) When in 'Factory Maintenance' - there are repeats of certain factories. Obviously, this is because i've selected the same factory whilst on the Membership screen. However, only one instance of each factory needs to/should be on this screen. I appreicate you taking the time to help me out. Do you know how to resolve these problems..? (I've reattached the database for reference). Many thanks. Kindest Regards, Shane.
Genx Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 shane... the reason for all your grief is that the factory name, for that person needs to be stored in membership table, not factories... your "factory field" in your amend history layout is actually the related field from the factories table... so when you change it, your changing factories through the relationship which is whats making your factories duplicate... just change this one field in ammend history layout to a field from membership i.e. "factory 1" and i guarrantee you it will work... and you do want the factories to be unique after youve fixed this relationship problem otherwise it wont be grabbing the right data later... ive fixed the field in question in the attached file (.zip and .rar), have a look at member 1, you'll notice that he has a factory stored...
shaneferguson Posted September 27, 2005 Author Posted September 27, 2005 Hi, Thanks for your help. I'll look at the files in a sec, and let you know how i went on. Kindest Regards, Shane.
shaneferguson Posted September 27, 2005 Author Posted September 27, 2005 Hi, Just had a look at the fixd file (the zipped file, for some reason i can't ever download the .rar files... strange). I selected member number '1' - in the Factory field it shows as '04 B.H.W Ceramics' This factory is shown throughout the history (scroll down to view). If i click on Amend History in order to change the factory (eg: if the member has moved jobs) - the factory shown is '05 Spode' and not '04 B.H.W Ceramics' If i choose a different factory from the dropdown list, and save. When i go back in to view membership number '1' details it's still showing has '04 B.H.W Ceramics', and not the correct factory that i've just choosen. Also, in the Factory Maintenance layout, i've got 2 records of '04 B.H.W Ceramics' Any ideas..? Again, thanks for your patience. Kindest Regards, Shane.
Genx Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 ... the two records are a result of the pre-changing of the field, as for the rest ill look into it in a sec
Genx Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 ok, if you goto your history layout the one with the portal attached to it... go into layout mode... change the factory field to the corrosponding field in the membership history table .. i.e. :factory 1" ... fixed file attached...
shaneferguson Posted September 27, 2005 Author Posted September 27, 2005 Hi, That seems to be working like a dream now. Many thanks for your help, and patience the last few days. I truely appreciate it. The help i've been given on this forum has been amazing. Hopefully i can learn from what you've done for me - and one day do my bit to help someone out too. Kindest Regards, Shane.
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