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Display related items based on a value list

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When I select the Category from the value list, I want the related items to that record to show up. Currently when I pull down the value list and select the category, the information from the last record is still being displayed or nothing is being displayed other than the Category.


Category(value list)




I am a rookie and I am struggling with lookups and go to related record. If anyone has a sample script or example file they can send me, that would be great.

Thanks in advance!



What information is in the related file that you want to show?

Is the category in one db and the other fields in another?

How have you currently got your relationship set up?

Many questions with no answer as yet, but asnwer these and we may be able to help.



Thanks for the files,

but could you explain more what the problem is.

In the inventory mstr you have a category.

When I click on that I get a list of categories.

ONce a category is selected, the items conditionally change based on your category::category relationship.

No problems there.

Where exactly is the problem?



The file where you are choosing the category and then the item is from the inventory mstr correct.

Well, this is the same file that holds the other fields you mentioned.

By choosing a cetgory and then an item it will not change to display that record, it will just change the current records category and item.



Precisely! When I select the category and the item, I want the rest of the related information to display automatically. I don't want to 'enter' a new record at this point.



you miss my point.

because the fields you are choosing on are the actual fields for a record, if you change them you are changing them for that record, not switching to display a "related" record.

To do this you would need to set up some global fields and a calculation that combines the two, as well as a calculation that combined the category and item in every record.

These calcs would then be used in a relationship with the global on the left that would display the related records fields qty etc.



The problem is that the price and QOH does not display from the two value lists that are selected. In this case it is Category and Item. When I select category and item then the price and QOH should appear as well.

Does this help you to understand?


This topic is 8396 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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