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I have a data import that has a series of fields [color:red]for each record. (mark01, mark02...questiontype01, questiontype02...answer01, answer02...) The data in the markXX fields is either a letter or number depending on the questiontypeXX field as is the answerXX field.

Is there a way (other than manuall looking at the raw data) that I can create a script that will relate all related fields([color:red]in each record)based on their ending number (i.e. 01, 02) and then perform a test on Question Type to perform the comparisons.

As of now I am manually creating a caluclated field for each comparison (mark01 and answer01)based on each question type.

Multiple choice sample calculation=

Mark02Validation= (If Mark02=Answer02,1,0)


I think I would do a series of imports into a new file, importing 3 fields at a time: first import fields QuestionType01, Mark01 and Answer01, then QuestionType02, Mark02 and Answer02, etc.

That's how it should have been structured to begin with - if not separate files for each field.


One last inquiry. As you suggested, I have performed a series of imports into a new file, importing 3 fields at a time: first import fields QuestionType01, Mark01 and Answer01, then QuestionType02, Mark02 and Answer02, etc. I have then performed a series of scripts (if/else stmts)to analyze each question as it comes in to validate the response and place it in an appropriate field. The problem arises that I am doing this on 56 questions and it takes quite a while to import. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.



I am afraid I lost you there. Can you give us a short overview: what is the data that you're getting (and is this a repeating process), and what do you need to produce at the end?


I have educational data sorted for each student record provided to me in this form; mark01, answer01, questtype01, mark 02, answer02 questtype02... (where question type can be either mult/choice, short answer, or Response) I have 56 questions per student record.

I want to perform an automated calculation for each markxx (#1-56) based on the associated questiontype and answer.

It was suggested I perform a series of scripts to import each iteration of mark/questtype/answer and perform a large script of if/else stmts to get the to the end result of having totals placed into fields I can perform a summary on. Problem is that the script I run on each question coming in has to run 56 times (once for each question) and the import takes forever.

Here is a very abbreviated sample of what I have in the script.

If [questtype01="MC" and mark01=answer01]


Else if [questtype01 ="SA" and mark01="A""]


Else if...

Question types will vary in the future with the mark and I am looking to automate the calculations. Should I just resort to calculated fields that I can then summarize and forget individually importing each question and running the huge script as each import occurs?

Any help/criticism is appreciated.


I am still struggling with the basics here:

What do you mean by "provided in this form"? What do you actually get? A text file, a spreadsheet, a piece of paper or what?

What does "stmts" mean?

Why do you need a script? Can't you evaluate the results using calculation fields? For example, the MarkMC field could be a calculation field (result is Number) =

QuestionType ="MC" and Mark = Answer

This topic is 6956 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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