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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

USPS shipping rates

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I don't know that there's any xml services interface with USPS directly (that I could find or understand anyway). Have you looked at Endicia.com? They have a few products, the simplest Endicia has several integration possibilities, as simple as constructing a URL for GetURL. This is on a Mac, but perhaps it also works with the Windows version:

"endicia://newShipment/?address=" &

Name1 & " " & Name2 & ¶ &

Address1 & Case ( not IsEmpty(Address2); ¶ & Address2 ) & ¶ &

City & " " & State & " " & Zip &

";description=" & ProductCode & ";value=" & Value & ";referenceID=" & ReferenceID

There is also a full-blown xml interface. I've done a few simple transformations with it, but nothing extensive. It has a few different ways of handling files.

Finally, there is a PC-only product, Galaxy, which uses ODBC.

This topic is 6869 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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