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Duplicates in value list not displaying


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Hey Guys,

I have a simple shopping site running. I have a field in a "shopping cart" db which displays ordered items and is populated by a value list generated by relationship from an "ordered items" db. However when someone adds two items to their cart (instead of adding it once and changing the quantity to 2), it will only display in the value list once, but will appear in the portal twice. I am using this method so I can generate an automated response email with the items they have ordered in it.

Thanks in advance.


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Value Lists based on a field are generated by indexing the fields contents. In an index, an item only appears once...

I think you are going to have to re-think your method so it doesn't use a value list. Mind, I don;t see how you can put a value list into an email (unless you are using some of the tricky design functions).

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This topic is 8105 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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