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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Use of global field in test

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I am using XML Version 1.0.

I use a field which is global in a test to determine the current Mission (as in spacecraft) and what part of the form to present to the user, but I am unable to get the following format to work:

I have sessions enabled and have tried modifying gDefaultMission with .global, but it still doesn't work.

It does understand what gDefaultMission is when it is used in a gif definition, as in the definition below:


I need to resolve this issue to translate three websites to XSLT, but I am at a loss as how to proceed.

Please help!!!!! : :) : : :( :(


It always depends on the context in which you evaluate an XPath. Context in XSLT means the present position in the XML tree, and it is set either by xsl:template or xsl:for-each

In your first expression, you specified an XPath (fmrs:field[@name = 'gDefaultMission']/fmrs:data[1]) which is relative to another position (or context) in the XML result set tree. You should check there the context in your XSLT , probably it is just / (the root element) or /fmrs:fmresultset, and therefore you would get a wrong total XPath (/fmrs:field[@name = 'gDefaultMission']/fmrs:data[1] or /fmrs:fmresultset/fmrs:field[@name = 'gDefaultMission']/fmrs:data[1]), however, the context should be /fmrs:fmresultset/fmrs:resultset/fmrs:record .

Maybe you can just prepend a $default-record to fmrs:field[@name = 'gDefaultMission']/fmrs:data[1], but we can not decide that for sure from the code fragment you gave us.

In your second expression, the XPath ($default-record/fmrs:field[@name = 'gDefaultMission']/fmrs:data[1]) is absolute, because $default-record was defined somewhere before and fmrs:field[@name = 'gDefaultMission']/fmrs:data[1] is set relative to $default-record. That's why it works.


Thank you for that clue - I was able to get it to work, but now have another problem.

The URL that points to the page in question runs a script (to set up the global value), but it uses a -find which produces multiple value lists in the search page. I know that in Html using a -view did not allow a script to work (and it doesn't seem to in XSLT either), but is there any other way other than a -find (of course with a -edit I would need a recid defined).

Suggestions?? The URL is shown below:


current Terra data losses


Strange that this did work. You did not specify any field that is queried in this URL.

You might search for a specific record and set -max to 1.

If you edit a global field with -edit, you don't need -recid. Cf. p. 89 of the FMSA CWP Guide.

--> search.xsl?-db=ssrdataloss&-lay=Web&Mission.global=Terra&-edit

or you might use -process:


or you might use within search.xsl the XSLT document() function to set your global field with a separate step.

This topic is 6723 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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