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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Class Enrollment list


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Hi Everyone. I am hoping someone can answer this question for me. I was given a responsibility to register class attendees and provide enrollment lists to the teachers. The database is in FM 5.0. I have never used FM before 3 months ago. I was able to make the database work except one piece.

Problem: I can't create the enrollment sheets.

I have a table containg class information (number, teacher name, etc) and I have a table containing student information (name, address, classes being taken, etc)

Then I have a layout in the class database with the enrollment information and a portal set up to list all the students in each class. IF a student signs up for more than one class I can not capture all of the data due to the student database having different fields for the class data (so there is one record per student with multipe class fields - class 1, class 2, class 3, etc)

I need the information from all class fields to be pulled up in the portal.

Originally, the database was stuffed with a C+ file and that file was not given to me with the database. The person will not provide it and there is a lot of hard feelings between them and the non-profit organization I am doing this for. Since the database was in FM 5.0, I am using this version, but I have downloaded the latest version for trial in hoping this would help me (then I would have the org. purchase the latest ver.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


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IF a student signs up for more than one class I can not capture all of the data due to the student database having different fields for the class data (so there is one record per student with multipe class fields - class 1, class 2, class 3, etc)

You should instead use an Enrollment file/table that's a join between Class and Student. This way a Student can have an Enrollment record for each Class. With this structure, generating Class Rosters and Student Schedules is just a matter of building a columnar report with sub-summary parts on an Enrollment layout. There are many discussions about Class-Enrollment structures in the forums if you want a little more detail.

Keep in mind that an FM7/8 file is NOT backward compatible with FM5. In fact, there is much that is different, so don't get too comfortable with FM8.5 if you're going to be building the solution in FM5.

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Thanks, Ender.

I thought the same thing and I have even tried to figure out how to create that file. It would mean I would have to duplicate records for each student's classes (ex. student a has 3 different classes then there would be 3 records with just name, reg. and class number)Any suggestions on how to convert data from one file with seperate class fields to another file of records that are populated with all classes in one clase field?

I have been studying this website for almost 2 weeks and have not been able to hit on the right topic that would help in this dilema (maybe being new to FM doesn't help). And to tell you the truth, this forum site is great.

I have cloned the database and have that copy to play in 8.5 and the original is 5.0. What a nightmare that would be to upgrade data and then have to go back. I have convinced the org that they need to upgrade, but it will not be until late Oct. Thanks


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For any existing records, you could use a script to populate the Enrollment table with the Student-Class information. But moving forward, you should modify the interface so that the Enrollments are populated directly by the user. The interface will probably use an Enrollment portal from a Student layout with "Allow creation of related records" checked on the relationship. You can also view the Students in a Class by using an Enrollment portal on a Class layout.

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Ok I have set up the table and enrollment portal.

The only problem left is to write a script to populate the Enrollment table with the Student-Class information. Being new, I am not totally clear on writing scripts. I understand what they do and can do the very basics (I have a lot to learn). Can you tell me what I would write for this script?



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