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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Merging related records in one field


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Hi there...

I need a bit of help with this....pelase...

We have products in a database. Some are "variants" based on color or whatever. These variants show up in a portal in each of the related records. What i want is this: merge some fields of these (related) records automatically in a field in each of these records...in other words: populate one calculation field with the content of (multiple) related records! Can this be done without scripting?? Thx in advance.

MBahnen, Netherlands

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Well...it's not that simple , i think...

Example: 5 products, all the same NAME, different ordercode and color, so colorvariants. In each of these records you see the others in a portal based on a selfjoin: all with the same name show. I want a (calculation) field in EACH of these records with a merge of portaldata: so regardless which product you pick: you can see the others in ONE single field! Adding a related product would obviously change also the content of that "merge" field...


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