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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Also need to link

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I am new to FM and I just want to add a hypertext link to a text field so that my users can view a web page from my browser. I can do it with buttons, but when I make a new record the button get carried over and I don't want the same links on the next record. I want the person entering in the data to put their own link to the web. I have been scratching my head for 2 days now. Seems like an easy thing to do, so I don't quite get it!

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If you have a field called "Web_Address" - for example -

and it includes any url you want - www.disney.com for example

you can make a button (and put it next to the field or whatever) - and assign this to "Open URL" and in the specify button, put in "http://"&file::Web_Address)

I actually have my button go to my home page if there is nothing there and to the url specified if there is something.

case(IsEmpty(file::Web Address);"http://myhomepage";"http://"&file::Web Address)

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So…the only way to link to a web site is through a button. My problem is, that other people will be entering data,and I want them to be able to just enter a web site that users can go to for research. This means the person creating the new record would have to make a new button for each web entry. If they just changed the link on the button that already exist on the layout, it changes all the links for that button on other records. I really want to have it link in a text field, kind of like email. Is that possible? By the way, thank you for getting back to me so quickly! I appreciate it!

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Thank you - I had "Button" one down, but I wanted text. I have figured out how to do this. When you type a "http://www.website.com" into a text field, you can, right click with a PC, or Control click with a Mac,scroll down to "Open http://…" and choose the web site. I couldn't use the button method because I needed non-FM users to create new records.

Thank you so much for your time!

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This topic is 6596 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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