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Native JDBC Connectivity to RDBMS


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For years I have used FileMaker as a Fat Client and/or Thin Client of larger RDBMS systems such as Oracle, DB2, MS Sequel and mySQL. Unfortunately every implementation of such a FMPro client requires a fair amount of ODBC or JDBC connectivity configuration.

FMPro affords us all a native platform for Desktop and Workgroup solutions. With the use of third party plug-ins and drivers, it makes an excellent Enterprise client solutions.

Nothing would make me more excited than being in one of those meetings where the clients IT person across the table does that 'eye rolling, leg lifting' routine everytime you mention FileMaker. To be able to simply request from that same IT person a RDBMS (Oracle, DB2, MS Sequel or mySQL) datasource, a username and a password and blamo, there you have it Sparky, this little tool called FileMaker 9 is connected to your Iron Horse Database. This would open FileMaker up to so many new markets, like giving Crystal Reports a run for it's money.

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