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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Calculating priority based on date

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Hi everyone,

I've been working in web development for a while and away from FileMaker, and now that I need to use it I find that I'm VERY rusty! I appreciate any help that you can provide.

I want to set up a field that automatically calculates a priority list based on an entered due date. For instance, if the due date is today or tomorrow, the priority would be Very High. If the due date is the day after tomorrow, the priority would be High. The day after that would be medium, and anything after that would be low. I also want it to only count weekdays, if that's possible. Can anyone help?

Thank you SO much!!!! Very best,


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In FMP 6 and earlier the calculation (unstored) would be:



Int((DueDate - Status(CurrentDate))/7) * 5 +

 If(DayofWeek(DueDate) < DayofWeek(Status(CurrentDate)),Min(5, DayofWeek(DueDate) - 1) +

 Max(0, 6-DayofWeek(Status(CurrentDate))),If(DayofWeek(Status(CurrentDate)) < 7,

 Min(6,DayofWeek(DueDate)) - DayofWeek(Status(CurrentDate)), 0))


"Very High","High","Medium","Low")


For FMP7 and later, change the commas to semicolons, and change Status(CurrentDate) to Get(CurrentDate)

Edited by Guest
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