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Tab Controls Not Working in IWP

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I'm working w/ a database that i didn't create, originally. However, the Tabs don't work w/ IWP. I know that there are some hangups w/ Tab Controls in IWP, but i thought that they were suppose to atleast work as far as navigation from one tab to the next and displaying information.

thanks for any help!

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I am having a similar problem. I have FM Pro 8.5 and when using IWP, clicking between tabs works fine EXCEPT if I am in the middle of editing a record. In that instance when I try click between tabs I get an IE error message 'Field "" cannot be read'


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Update - I managed to solve my problem. For some reason having my contact_id field (non-modifiable, unique serial number) as *editable* in browse mode caused this problem. When I made it non-editable, no more problem...

Still not sure exactly why, though.

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This topic is 6477 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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