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how to hide "no access records" from user ???

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does someone knows how to avoid the presentation of those records not acessible to user, after a privileges verification.

I need that the user only gets the found set of the records he/she can access after the privileges verification.



One way would be to add a calc field

  AllowedToView = Case(Get(CurrentRecordAccess))

And then do an "Omit Records / Constrain Found Set" after the find for records where AllowedToView=False. That should do it.

Posted (edited)

AllowedToView = Case(Get(CurrentRecordAccess))

you meant Get(RecordAccess)function right :

That i could put in a calc field and returns values numbers

but i couldn't understand how do you relate that info with record access.

I try to make a script like this


and then the criteria wich is the value contained in the calculation field based on Get(RecordAccess)Function in Filemaker


Well the script is linked to a button setup in the main layout wich serves to reach "my records" layout i reach the layou but all i see is all the records

remember new to the zone, but making an effort




Edited by Guest

sorry mate could you be a little more specific.

I'm portuguese so sometimes it's hard to follow your fast lines.

you sai wht ochi said is a fake??

so what's the right path for this.




I am afraid I cannot be much more specific, because you haven't described a specific situation.

In general, if a user performs a find - any find - the found set will include ONLY records that the user is allowed to view. So even a bogus find, such as searching for * in a serialID field, will omit all forbidden records.

Go To Related Record [show related only] works in much the same way. If there are 10 child records, and the user is allowed access to 7 of those, then running the script step will end with a found set of 7.



the situation is the following. I have created several users in the privileges area, wich have acces to recors in a table called "entradas" based on those settings.

circuito final = "aj" or PatternCount ( ¶ & entradas::conhecimento 1 & ¶ ; ¶ & "aj" & ¶ )

the circuito final field receives the area where the user works, so if that area is "aj" he can see the record but also in the table theres a checkbox

where that area "aj" can be choosed and wich grants him also access to the record.

ok than i have a no records layout where i have a button to reach tha layou wich olds table ENTRADAS where the priveleges would start to have effect. but what i get is all records, the ones that the user can view and all the records wich belong to other areas.

tanx for your reply



i've created an users table wich holds information about the user (username,name,etc) where the field username it's equal to the username of the user created in the filemaker accounts. So i thought about using that table as the starting point of the application.

I forgot to tell you that the access to ENTRADAS table is more related to the area where the user works (that's the role of the USERS table also) than it's own name.

if you want i can send you an empty copy of the filemaker project. What do you think???

tanx for all



If I understand correctly, the users starts on a layout of the users table, and clicks a button to go to "his" records? If so, you could define a relationship between the users table and the ENTRADAS table, using the "x" relational operator. Then define the button as Go To Related Records [from ENTRADAS table, show related only].

This is only one way out of many posible. Much depends on how you want to design the actual workflow. As I said before, any Find or GTTRR automatically removes the "forbidden" records from the found set. So a script like:

Go to Layout [ENTRADAS]

Perform Find []

would achieve the same result.

Of course, in any method you need to disable the "Show All Records" menu item (and its keyboard shortcut).

This topic is 6715 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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