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Poor quality Graphics


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Can anyone help me get better graphics out of FMv8? I am using a 300dpi TIFF as a background to an invoice database (as headed info etc) and whenever I print or pdf from filemaker to be able to email invoices the qulity of the TIFF background is very poor - possibly 72DPI?

Any help? I have tried using JPEGs, PDFs and EPSFs as backrounds but still very poor quality output.

I am importing the picture via the Insert / Picture menu...

Any help would be good.....


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I moved this topic to the Presentation Layer: Printing forum. The Articles, Tips forum is kind of special, not really for questions.

I read someone somewhere said something about opening the graphic in Illustrator and saving it as something ;)-| But I didn't save the info, and am not a graphics guy. So, the truth may be out there, but it ain't here yet.

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Hin Crispin... first off, make sure you're using the latest patch level of FMP 8.0, I think it was v3. The updater is on the FMI web site and it's free.

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This topic is 6206 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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