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A couple XSL questions


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I'm doing imports from the Amazon ECS. For the most part all of the parts and peices are easy enough to get at, but there are a couple little details that are evading my grasp.


Amazon makes available the item description, such as the text that would be on the back of a DVD cover. However, it puts it in with the editorial reviews, rather than as its own separate node. Like thus:




----Like a dream, Howl's Moving Castle carries audiences to vistas...






----In Hayao Miyazaki's latest animated masterpiece...



So basically what I want is just the "Content" portion of the one that has "Description" as the "Source", and all others it can ignore.


How can I parse out elements that reside inside the tags? There are some parts that look like this:


I can get the data "134" easy enough, but I'd also like to append the other stuff as well, so that it looks like "134 minutes". Or, in this case:

Atsushi Okui

I'd like to get something like "Cinematographer - Atsushi Okui"

Thanks for any help!

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I'm using the user-defined prefix of "ams" for the Amazon namespaces; yours may vary.


So you specify only the Source whose value is 'Description', then back up its parent EditorialReview, then down to its Content.

2. The data you want is in an "attribute", which can be thought of as a child of its element. It behaves much the same as an element; it's just an alternate way of organizing the data. It is accessed by using the "@" character:

The above would need its own FileMaker field of Role. I suppose you could concatenate this with the creator's name in the xsl, but that wouldn't be good database design (multi-valued field).

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