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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

How to accomplish this

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Hello everyone,

I need an idea of how to accomplish this

I have a workgroup of 10 FMP 9 users accessing a file hosted by FMS 9

In the solution user 1 post a task for user 2 and during the day user 2 adds comments to the requested task.

How can I notify (user 1) every time (user 2) added a new comment to the task he request?

Thanks in advance for any advice

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We need to know how you've structured this solution to give you an answer. Are comments related records to each task? Or do you have a field which tracks who modified the task at least? We need more information! :wink2:


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Here is an idea,

If (user 1) is not working on FMP at the time (user 2) update or add a new comment FMP can send a message to the user using the (net send command in windows xp) how can I script the (send event) to send the message ?

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This topic is 6287 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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