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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Validate calculation?

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Here is the basics of my dilema.

edition code(calculation, from another table) + print number(user entered) = image number code(calculation)

I need to validate that the PRINT NUMBER for the edition is unique so we do not duplicate print numbers.

I have tried validation by calculation of the PRINT NUMBER, (since one can not validate a calculation), to no avail.

Am I chasing my own tail?

Do I need to provide more info to you, for help?

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"I have tried validation by calculation of the PRINT NUMBER, (since one can not validate a calculation), to no avail."

Ahhh, you CAN validate an text field. Set it to auto-enter the calculation, and de-select the option to replace only if empty.

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This topic is 6274 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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