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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Outstanding Work

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I need to be able to run a script once a week that

performs a search for all outstanding work still out on approval that's more than 60 days old.

I then need it to sort by customer and then email that customer just his work in a pdf file.

The problem I have is being able to email the individual customers just there work unless I have 60+ scripts running one per customer.

We do not always have oustanding work on approval for all customers.

Is there a way that the script could seperate the found jobs into customers and then email that customer a pdf show just his work.


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I'd do it from the Customers file: run through each customer record, and use a relationship to "find" the outstanding work records and then do the pdf thing.

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Thanks for replying

I created a script that finds the outstanding work in the customers database as you suggested.

For example I have found 12 customers that have outstanding jobs. What I need it to do now is send each customer his layout showing all his work which is in a portal.

How can I script FM to send each record to a different email address. In customers I have a field that contains the required email address.

Any ideas?


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Go to the related record of the portal, and make a subsummary report, save it as a .pdf ... Since you're on fm7 might this plugin be thriftiest way to accomplish what's posible with more present versions:


Although a fair dose of shell scripting will make you do it as well, called from Perform Applescript.


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