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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Opening a file from filemaker

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I can open a directory using Open URL function in sriptmaker.

But how can I actually automatically open a file that is in that directory?

I have s:/files (which opens) then I have doc1 which I need to open up. But I am not sure what to put after "s:/files" (is that as deep as the URL function will go?

Can this be done?

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Enter the entire file path to open the file with the default program.

To open the file with a none default program you will need to add the program location first.

""" & "C:Program FilesMy ProgramMyProgram.exe" & "" "" & "S:My FilesMyFile.doc" & """

It is very important to have the correct quotation mark locations if there are any spaces in the file paths.

The Open URL script step will open anything the "Run" window or the CMD program will open.

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Hi thanks for the response.

What about if I dont necessarily know the file name. i.e I need to add the file name form a description in a filemaker document.

so C:/mydocuments/files::filename&".jpg"

I am not always going to know what the file name will be and it will be always based upon what record I am in.

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oh wait

that won't work...

""" & "C:Program FilesMy ProgramMyProgram.exe" & "" "" & "S:My Files" & files::filename & ".doc" & """

You need to escape out the backslash.

Or better yet:

Quote( "C:Program FilesMy ProgramMyProgram.exe" ) & " " & Quote( "S:My Files" & files::filename & ".doc" )

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This topic is 6279 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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