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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Tutorial on SQL and FM


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I have created a scheduling program in FM (oriignally 5) for a company. I updated the views, relationships and other options when they upgraded to 8. Everything has been working great for years...until.... they went with a standalone estimating, job ticketing and inventory system that uses an SQL database. They still like the scheduling "module" in FM. Now they want me to setup a query that grabs the data from SQL and populates FM scheduling module. However, I have to make it easy for them.

In reading the posts here I was able to make the query and popluate the fields...very exciting.

How do I get only new data to import. I created a sc :) ript that makes the query and populates the fields. All relationships are through Ljob (a job number field). I want to make sure that no duplicate records are created during the query script (I guess I'll create a button that states "get new jobs")..

Any tutorials on this?

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Hi Crazybake, I've deleted the second duplicate post you just made. It isn't necessary to double-post and we would rather you didn't. We will answer your question no matter where you post - if at all possible. We read all posts anyway. :smile2:

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This topic is 6214 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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