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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

sub-summary with xslt


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I am just working on saving word document from filemaker with the help of xml export.

But I am very poor on xslt. I can repeat records or portal rows perfectly. But it is not enough for me. I want to make sub-summary partition like repeating in my document.

How can I revise for-each tag to use like sub-summary? I also want to use number fields to count or sum.

Thanks in advance.


Osman Cabi

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There is a Subsummary example in the FileMaker XSLT Library, in the XML Examples files:




It is not simple however. I think it can be done a little more simply by assuming that there is already a key (such an Invoice ID) in each row, and that the records have been exported already sorted correctly.

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