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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

AND search via Portal


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I have a Person database with a linked table of codes. Each person can have an unlimited number of codes assigned to them.

So, on the main view for people, there is a portal to the PersonCodes table (joins People and SubjectCodes).

When I enter find mode, I can only enter one code to search for. This works fine for OR searches as I can just make a new request. But, I cannot figure out how to do an AND search.

Is it possible?

Thanks for your help.

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Do you mind explaining it

Sure - The template have a hardwired request, that seaches a textual summary of what's occuring in the portal. The real challenge is how to make this calc'field cope with all permutations, that reaches further than what a series of requests made to the first line of the portal - as Michael suggests.

The template uses the sortorder you get from ValueListItems( which I havn't thought much of as to how efficient it really is.

However if we then rule out the Moyer template as method, is there still a problem in designing the metaphors if a relative unskilled person is going to make these searches - and be certain to get the right result. Stacks of requests isn't likely to convey a sence of a intuitive user interface.

I have a solution, I'd rather not reveal : - because it approaches or even thresspasses the edge of a personal design principle, and hope others will be able to come up with something more obvious???


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This topic is 6207 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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