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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Event Management Template


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The event management template in filemaker allows to add guests in the portal that shows up in the events layout. When clicking on a row in the portal showing related records from the guests table, it takes me to a layout to add guests.

This is perfectly fine if attendees for a conference are different all the time.

I am trying to modify the template so that I can track the attendance of a set of people in the guest list I already have added in the database before creating an event. Tracking attendance for the people in the guest list should be as easy as checking off checkboxes rather than entering attendee details every time.

How do I get this functionality? -

Every time I add an event, the portal is populated with all contacts from my guests list so that each row in the portal has a check box and a name. Then if I select the checkbox, a record is added to an eventAttendance table, which is a join table containing an event ID and a guest ID. Using a join table like this would allow me to track attendance would it?

But then how do I modify the portal so that it shows 1 name against a checkbox in each row of the portal? And how can I get to add a new record in the join table if I check the check box against the name. Unchecking the checkbox should also delete the record.

Thanks in advance

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I could be mistaken here, but the structure seems to be a giant on clayfeet ...it's probably just prejudice on my behalf.

But you wish to assign a set or group, could be done via internal import between tables... But my take on it says, it's more correct to use a recursive table structure:


But you have hit soemthing I wish to make some noise about! To be honest do you need a certain skill level to modify these found templates, into anything usefull - if you can. They can be educational to scrutinize, but you need to build things from up from scratch, following your own design objectives and plan - instead of repairing artifacts here and there as they occure.

It's important to only pluck out features, you understand from various templates - beware of the utterly profound, cute or clever ...you need to know the pathes this wisdom is optained from - it's important to recognize that improvisation needs foundation of knowledge ... something many of the marketing geniuses in Filemaker Inc. simply ignore or never have thought about ...

I still wish you and others to give their vote here:



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I have meanwhile poked into the reasoning behind the template, and yes it is really a giant on clayfeet.

When you take into consideration how much efford is put into the graph and field definitions to facilitate the statistics, is it because the developer off course have to deal with the present nature of a tabbed layout where a script ins't invoked when you select a tab.

But he plain and simple forgets or ignores what here in this forum is called "Ugo's Method" ...I've chosen to link to a template Fenton made for us:


In order to implement it as seemless as posible in the template, is it worth to remember that the rightmost of Fenton's portals could be cut up and appear as ordinary fields with invisible portal surroundings, the sortorder is obviously the valuelists.

What is missing in Fentons template is the statisitcs, but it's just to add an extra calc'field:

Count ( Child_self_Criteria::ChildID )

...and make that field visible in the Child_cParentIDsVL portal!!!


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Indeed slightly confusing, but it was the best one I could find right away, upgrades to this forum make links dry out.

BTW do you still need the neat way you make vertical separations to the 3rd field as well, with formatpainter is it no sweat, although it's pretty easy to use your approach.


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This topic is 6245 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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