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Im trying to validate a web form field so that the same username doesnt get used by more than one customer. The relevant code follows: <?php include_once('FX/FX.php'); include_once('FX/ser

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Im trying to validate a web form field so that the same username doesnt get used by more than one customer. The relevant code follows:




$whopays_1 = $_POST['payers'];

$ACWAMember_1 = $_POST['ACWAMember'];

$ACWAMemberNumber_1 = $_POST['ACWAMembershipNumber'];

$CCWTMember_1 = $_POST['CCWTVIP'];

$CCWTMemberNumber_1 = $_POST['CCWTMembershipNumber'];

$firstname_1 = $_POST['firstname1'];

$lastname_1 = $_POST['lastname1'];

$gender_1 = $_POST['gender1'];

$jobtitle_1 = $_POST['jobtitle1'];

$employer_1 = $_POST['employer1'];

$program_1 = $_POST['program1'];

$which_address_1 = $_POST['whichaddress1'];

$workaddressline1_1 = $_POST['workaddressline1_1'];

$workaddressline2_1 = $_POST['workaddressline2_1'];

$worksuburbtown_1 = $_POST['worksuburbtown1'];

$workstate_1 = $_POST['workstate1'];

$workpostcode_1 = $_POST['workpostcode1'];

$workphoneareacode_1 = $_POST['workphoneareacode1'];

$workphone_1 = $_POST['workphone1'];

$workfaxareacode_1 = $_POST['workfaxareacode1'];

$workfax_1 = $_POST['workfax1'];

$workemail_1 = $_POST['workemail1'];

$mobile1_1 = $_POST['mobile1_1'];

$ATSI_1 = $_POST['ATSI1'];

$CALD_1 = $_POST['CALD1'];

$clients_1 = $_POST['clients1'];

$otherclients_1 = $_POST['otherclients1'];

$servicetype_1 = $_POST['servicetype1'];

$otherservicetype_1 = $_POST['otherservicetype1'];

$mailouts_1 = $_POST['mailouts1'];

$howfindout_1 = $_POST['howfindout1'];

$conditions_1 = $_POST['conditions1'];

$homeaddressline1_1 = $_POST['homeaddressline1_1'];

$homeaddressline2_1 = $_POST['homeaddressline2_1'];

$homesuburbtown_1 = $_POST['homesuburbtown1'];

$homestate_1 = $_POST['homestate1'];

$homepostcode_1 = $_POST['homepostcode1'];

$homephoneareacode_1 = $_POST['homephoneareacode1'];

$homephone_1 = $_POST['homephone1'];

$homefaxareacode_1 = $_POST['homefaxareacode1'];

$homefax_1 = $_POST['homefax1'];

$homeemail_1 = $_POST['homeemail1'];

$mobile2_1 = $_POST['mobile2_1'];

$username_1 = $_POST['username1'];

$password_1 = $_POST['password1'];

$confirmpassword_1 = $_POST['confirmpassword1'];

$securityquestion_1 = $_POST['securityquestions'];

$securityquestionanswer_1 = $_POST['securityquestionanswer'];

$trainingaccountid_1 = date("ymdHis");

$creationdate_1 = date ("d/m/Y");

$remoteaddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];


***Lots of other field validation is here***

***Problem code starts here***

$Username_Search=new FX($serverIP,$webCompanionPort,'FMPro7');



$Username_Search->AddDBParam('User_Name',$username_1, 'eq');




foreach($Username_SearchResult['data'] as $key=>$Username_SearchData);

if( $returnedCount != 0 ) {$errors['username1']= 'This username has already been taken. Please choose a different username.';}

***Problem code ends here***

if(strlen($username_1) > 12) {$errors['username1']= 'The username must be no longer than 12 characters. Please edit this information.';}

if(strlen($username_1) < 6) {$errors['username1']= 'The username must be at least 6 characters. Please edit this information.';}

if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9' ]+$/', $username_1) != 1) {$errors['username1']= 'The username may only contain text and numbers. Please edit this information.';}

if(empty($username_1)) {$errors['username1']= 'Please enter a username.';}

if(strlen($password_1) > 12) {$errors['password1']= 'The password must be no longer than 12 characters. Please edit this information.';}

if(strlen($password_1) < 6) {$errors['password1']= 'The password must be at least 6 characters. Please edit this information.';}

if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z'-' ]+$/', $password_1) != 1) {$errors['password1']= 'The password may only contain text and numbers. Please edit this information.';}

if(empty($password_1)) {$errors['password1']= 'Please enter a password.';}

if($confirmpassword_1 != $password_1) {$errors['confirmpassword1']= 'Your confirmation password does not match your password. Please reconfirm your password.';}

if(empty($confirmpassword_1)) {$errors['confirmpassword1']= 'Please confirm your password.';}

if(empty($securityquestion_1)) {$errors['securityquestions']= 'Please choose a security question.';}

if(strlen($securityquestionanswer_1) > 50) {$errors['securityquestionanswer']= 'The answer to the security question is too long. Please edit this information.';}

if(empty($securityquestionanswer_1)) {$errors['securityquestionanswer']= 'Please answer the security question.';}

if (!empty($errors)){

include 'create_account.php';




***HTML is here***

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