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Cost breakdown

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Hi All,

I need help in getting an Individual shipping cost.

My database has an order table and order line items table, 1 order can have multiple items on it. I get sent the Total Order cost which say is £15.00 and I need to break the total cost into however many items there are so that I can report on how much we have spent on x item. ie:there are 3 items on that order the individual cost would be £5.00 each.

I have a field called Total cost and Individual cost - is there a way to have it calculated automatically?

Many thanks


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Do you have an item table? - different then order line item table.

Ie. An inventory table where you store information about the items such as cost and vendor?

I have a field called Total cost and Individual cost - is there a way to have it calculated automatically?

What are you trying to calculate here? If you already have individual cost and total cost are you trying to get the number of items sold or are you trying to divide the total amount of the order with the number of the items sold to get the individual costs?

A little more info would be nice.

Disclaimer: Skill level Novice - just trying to help.

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This topic is 6157 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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