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I have two db's that talk to each other. One of them stores all of the information about our mentors and the other stores all of information about our students. Each student is assigned a "cohort"


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I have two db's that talk to each other. One of them stores all of the information about our mentors and the other stores all of information about our students. Each student is assigned a "cohort" year (the year they entered the program) and each student receives a specific mentor for the cohort year.

In the student db a unique identifying ID for the mentor is entered to link the mentor and student. In the mentor db I've created a portal to list all of the students with that mentor's ID.

Since mentors work more than one year (so more than one cohort) the mentor portal will pull up all years/cohorts that have the mentor's ID. I want to be able to limit the students in that portal by a designated cohort.

I believe the portal filter is the way to go, but I can't get it to work. Can anyone help me please?

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