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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

ODBC problem

Sergeant Ron

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I'm posting this in the FMSA 9 form because I believe the issue stems from something in the FMSA 9 rather than ODBC itself. Here's the issue: I've set up FMSA and enabled ODBC and turned ODBC sharing on the server at one site without any issues, however I've done the same thing at another site and the ODBC cannot connect to the files that I need to connect to. One strange thing is that when I turn FMSA off and connect to a backed up file located in a backup folder the connection goes through without a problem. FM admin console is showing that ODBC in on, the files are set up for sharing ODBC and there are no erros showing in the event log. The event log shoes that xDBC had been started as well. I tried reinstalling FMSA and that didn't seem to help. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be causing the ODBC to not connect? (Windows Server 2003 sp2) Thanks, Ron

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Hi Steven, heres the strange thing that i've noticed. When FMSA is running port 2399 is not listening. when FMSA is shutdown and FMpro is hosting the file, 2399 is in the listening state and i get a proper odbc connection to the file. I'm not running FMPRO when I'm running FMSA so there shouldnt be any conflicts. In fact I've reinstalled FMSA twice and even tried connecting after uninstalling FMPro from the server and rebooting. I'm really at a loss here...

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One other thing which may in fact point to a windows configuration issue, but im not sure. I noticed an error message in the event log that occurs when FM Server service starts up:

The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( SLSocket55 ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: SLSocket55@localhost,ErrorCode=430,ErrorMessage=Failed to open event trace file because the file version is not recognised..

I believe that this is the sequel link that is throwing the error when its attempting to communicate with odbc from FMSA. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Also, I've read that the datadirect folder needs to be changd from read only, and I've made sure that all the proper permissions are given to access the files in the necessary folders.

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Well I figured out what the issue was. As it turns out it was a damaged trace file. SlSocket55.trc was apparantly damaged when this server crashed a few days ago. I was able to copy a good file out and replace it and now it's working fine. I was getting error messages in the eventlog and did a search for that file and notied that the log in the C:program files filemakerFilemaker serverdatabase serverextensionsxbdc was showing that the SlSocket55.trc was not recognized, which is what led me to replace the file. I hope this may be of help to someone in the future. I totally dominated my mind for the past 4 days!!!

Thank God thats over with!

Thanks, Ron

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  • 4 weeks later...


You are a life saver! I had the exact same problem on on of our servers, and I coldn't figure it out. I did look through the event logs too, but I didn't go back far enough. I was looking for errors at the time I was trying to query the DB, not at server startup..

Thanks a million.. If i meet ya somewhere I owe you a drink.

Edited by Guest
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  • 1 year later...

I'm starting to see the same issue.

We're running FMSA9 on a Windows 2003-based server. At least twice in the past month, all write operations through the Web publishing engine have failed. Read operations are fine during this time, and the databases behave normally when accessed via FMPro clients.

On both occasions, I've seen the "SLSocket55" error in the event log. These errors are thrown when the server reboots. (This server is scheduled to reboot daily at 3:00am.)

To resolve the issue, I've simply restarted the WPE.

I'm planning on upgrading to FMSA10 in the next few weeks. I doubt that this alone will permanently resolve the issue. Has anyone running FMSA10 run into this issue?

-- Tim

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