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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Counting text?


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I've browsed the boards for a while but haven't found anything specifically regarding my problem.

I have a database with multiple text fields which I am now going to have to count regularly. Huge pain to do manually, as there are over 8000 records to sort through.

I need a way to create a set of calculation fields that determine repetitions in a particular field with a specific value out of a value list. i.e.:) let's say that I have one field, "positive blood culture" and it has two possible values "POS" and "NEG", which are defined in a value list. How would I create a calculation field that would count the repetitions of "POS" (but disregard "NEG")and output that as a number?

I guess basically I need a function that calculates the total number of repetitions of a particular text string in a given field.

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You'll need a calculated field for each value,

e.g. a field called POS:

positive blood culture = "POS"

and a field called NEG:

positive blood culture = "NEG"

and then you can count them separately.

Another possibility is to create a Subsummary report, and then use the GetSummary function to extract the totals.

PS: Be careful of the term "repetitions" as that has a specific meaning in FileMaker-land that I don't think is your intent here.

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You're probably right, and thanks for your suggestions.

This database was created before I got here, and is a totally flat database. Do you think it would be better to create a related table for the calculated fields, or would it be simpler to include them in the table with all of the data?

Also, which function would I use, to calculate the number of "POS" values that I have in the "Blood Culture" field?

Sorry to ask so many beginner questions, but FMP has a lot to learn about!

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The value of the field will be POS or NEG, correct? Use the calculations I gave you. They will evaluate to "1" if true. Then you will still need to count them somehow.

The calculated fields should stay in the same table as the blood culture field. Whether they should all go in a different table is another issue (my guess is yes).

Another way to do it is make a script that simply searches for POS and then puts Get(FoundCount) into a field, and do the same for NEG.

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