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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

value list from an other table...


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Sorry to ask for an apparently easy thing but ...

800 pda use about 20 different DC adapters. I want to add to the pda table a list from the adapters table from where to select the appropriate adapter. But I dont know how to create the relationship - there isn't really a realtionship..I would like just display the total value list from where to select... so I'm forced to create a relationship ...but I can't get through..I either get an empty list or a correct list but then when I select a value in the adapter list, all records in the pda table take that value.... I know Is stupid ..it was easy of FM 7 but here ... please help

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Each pda uses how many adapters?

If the answer is one, just have a field in the PDA table for Adapter and put that field on the PDA form layout. Double click the field and let it use a value list of Adapters. The right way is to store IDs not names. So, the value list is AdapterID and AdapterName. There is no relationship necessary.

If the answer is more than one, have a portal from the PDA table to a join table, "PDA_Adapters." This table has _kF_PDA_ID and _kF_Adapter_ID. Still can use your Adapter value list in the _kF_AdapterID field.

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