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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Auto Activate value list Check Boxes


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I have a database of products which has a sub class identifier.

I also have a bunch of safety warnings in value lists.

What I would like to do is to have certain warnings from the lists activated based on it's sub class identifier.

ie. subclass =210

value list 1= wear gloves active (rest inactive)

value list 2= explosive rest inactive)

value list 3 = do not use in confined spaces etc.rest inactive)

I'm not sure how i should even start...

Any help would be greatly appreaciated.

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How about a table "SubClassWarning" that stores subclass and safety warnings?




On a layout based on a Subclass TO, create a portal to this table (relationship _kP_SubClassID = _kF_SubClassID. Create one value list, created from your safety warning table (__kP_WarningID, Desc). Back in the portal, set the _kF_WarningID to use this value list.

Now, back to Products. When you set the subclass for the Product, that is, Products::)_kF_SubClassID, you can have a text calc field that gets all the safety warnings (List function) for this Product by using a relationship from Products to SubClassWarning by _kF_SubClassID.

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In the Sub Dept form, where you "attach" the warnings, you wouldn't create records in the portal for the warnings that you do not want associated with the Sub Dept. There is no activate/deactivate.

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That is a great solution to this problem.

Thanks for going to all the trouble of creating the sample up for me. I understand it more now.

It's not exactly what I was looking for. Here is a copy of what I was originally looking for. The light green field in the top IS_CLASS would activate/ deactivate the check boxes on the packaging tab.

I think that I will have to use your method instead - thanks once again.


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This topic is 6218 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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