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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

FMServer Error 642

Mike Tayeb

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I'm running FM Server 9 on a Windows 2003 SBS SP2 machine. (Yes, I realize that SBS is not a supported operating system, but that's what I'm using and it's not going to be changing any time soon.) I'm currently hosting only two small databases. I have FM server set to back up these databases every hour during the business day. When the time for backup rolls around, I get the following error e-mailed to me from the server. The file does not appear to get backed up, as no backup file appears in the backup folder.

Does anyone have any idea what this Error 642 is? I searched here and in FM's database but couldn't find anything.


FileMaker Server on SERVER reported the following event:

2007-10-04 17:00:00.344 -0500 Error 642 SERVER Schedule "Hourly" aborted; unexpected error. (11)

FileMaker Server automatically sent you this email. Contact the administrator if you no longer want to receive these notifications:

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I created a new folder on the root of our data drive, and left the permissions at the default and it works fine when backups are directed there. There is something about the other folder's permissions that are preventing FM Server from writing there but I sure can't figure out what it is!

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