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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Edit fields when it is not empty

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Hello, folks

We would like to allow the user ability to modify field if it is empty but not if it is filled.

Assuming "vendor" field is filled and "vendorID" is empty. We would like to not allow the user to modify the "vendor" field since it is already has the data, but allow the user to modify "vendorID" field since it is empty.

Isempty(vendor) or Isempty(vendorID) doesn't work as we expected . What function should we looking at?

Thank you for your advice,

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Well, there are a few approaches and I believe your logic might need clarifying but let's try it on for size ...

I would remove both fields from tab order so User must click into the field to change it. And, since you must test the field contents, you'll need to attach a script (and not a Specify Button step) to each field. I am assuming you don't want the value removed because it is the ONLY value which might be used to relate this record to another table. This is spooky design, ie, there should ALWAYS be a VendorID and the name should never be trusted. However, life doesn't always come to us in neat packages and this might be data which is imported and out of your control when it comes in.

See attached ...

record 1 will allow entering value in VendorID (which is empty) but not removing Vendor name

record 2 will allow entering value in Vendor (which is empty) but not removing VendorID

record 3 will allow removing a value from EITHER* field but if you try to then remove the other value, it will not let you. So you can change either value.

Again, the logic is concerning. I would stop a User from EVER changing or deleting the VendorID. But what if someone mistypes and needs to change the name? Again, I don't understand your process or why Users are typing into either field.


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This topic is 6181 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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