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FMPRO to XML w/ Stylesheet *solved*


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I am exporting to a Word Doc with XML and an XSL Stylesheet... Things are actually going quite swimmingly. I am in the home stretch for this particular report. My final obstacle is a '|' pipe delimited field that I need to convert to 1 a line per paragraph. This portion of the XSL is below:






















The problem is that it is returning the first line for each IF set you see.

(assuming I have 4 IFs)

So with a field: "1|2|3|4|"

It returns:





Instead of:





Anyone see what I am doing wrong here?

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OK. So I figured it out.

Apparently, the stylesheet treats all varaibles in a given function (ex. ...) as local. If the variable is changed during a function, it is is reset at the end of the function.

So, with this is mind... the solution:
































I actually have up to 7 lines in the list, so I will put 10 IFs in there to allow for growth.

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