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I need a 2nd pair of eyes to look at this please.

In my mail.txt file I'm asking it to print the First and Last name in the e-mail. It was working and then stopped.

I'm still getting the e-mail and the subject has the first and last name but the text of the e-mail is not displaying it?

In the e-mail I have another section that is doing an inline action and getting other information from other databases just fine.

I tried getting other fields in the participant database but nothing from that database is showing up?

I'm stumped and have been working on this for a day and a half. Any suggestions I'm open to.

Thank you



<form action="http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/FMPro" name="register">

<input type="hidden" name="-db" value="scoe_participant.fp5">

<input type="hidden" name="-lay" value="participant">

<input type="hidden" name="-format" value="/scoe/thankyou.html">

<input type="hidden" name="-recid" value="[FMP-CurrentRecID]">

<input type="hidden" name="-Token.1" value="[FMP-CurrentToken:1]">

<input type="hidden" name="-Token.2" value="[FMP-field: participantID]">

<input type="Hidden" name="-MailTo" value="[FMP-field: email]">

<input type="Hidden" name="-MailSub" value="[FMP-field: first] [FMP-field: last]'s registration">

<input type="Hidden" name="-MailFrom" value="[email protected]">

<input type="Hidden" name="-MailHost" value="mail.uia.net">

<input type="Hidden" name="-MailFormat" value="/scoe/mail.txt">

<input type="submit" name="-view" value="Submit">



Hello [FMP-field: first] [FMP-field: last],

You have registered for the following event:

[FMP-InlineAction: -db=scoe_events.fp5, -lay=event, eventID="{CurrentToken:1}", -find][FMP-field: title]

[FMP-field: date, raw]

[FMP-field: starttime] - [FMP-field: endtime]

Location: [FMP-field: location]

The cost of this event is [FMP-field: cost]



The inline action part works great. It's the participant database part I'm having problems with. The subject of the e-mail actually puts in their First and Last name from the record but when it comes time for the e-mail to spit out the same information it displays blanks for the first and last name.

The inline action was just to show that I can get information from other databases but not the current database. I hope that helps.

Thank you



Ok, so I'm taking some wild stabs.

"The subject of the e-mail actually puts in their First and Last name from the record "

Puts in where? From the record. What record? The record must be found for the data to get captured so it can be used. The only record I saw being found was the inlineaction -find.



Puts in where? From the record. What record? The record must be found for the data to get captured so it can be used. The only record I saw being found was the inlineaction -find.[/QB]

I have a current page that displays all information the user has entered from the previous page. So the record is actually being view on this page with a button that is supposed to confirm their information. It has a current record id and is using the participant database. According to what I have read I should be able to insert the [FMP-field: first] into the -MailFormat mail.txt file and have it call up that field in the current record. Are you saying that the only way to pull data into a -MailFormat file is to use inline actions?

Thank you



No Phil I'm not saying that. I'm saying I'm taking wild shots here.

For some reason the data is not getting to where it is supposed to go. Perhaps in the form action which you posted the -view action tag is not appropriate. Yes, I see the cdml reference say any action tag. I DO NOT KNOW. I'm guessing and trying to point to areas to experiment. I would try edit or a find action if view was not producing the result.

Now as I look at your first line of code I see

<form action="http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/FMPro" name="register">

where is the method="post"?

Stabbing in the dark here...


Ok Keith I'm a little slow sometimes. Whatever you do don't get around me with a knife in the dark. Your stabs in the dark were pretty right on. The main thing that made a difference is changing the -view to -find. Which makes sense.

Thanks for putting up with me



"[FMP-InlineAction: -db=scoe_events.fp5, -lay=event, eventID="{CurrentToken:1}",-find][FMP-field: title]"

If no text is being displayed it might be because no record is being found.

If the inlineaction is performing a -find in scoe_events.fp5, could you not perform a Modify Last Find to see what is being entered with currenttoken:1 ?

This topic is 8407 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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