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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Setting group privileges


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I need to create permissions based on the following scenario, but can't figure out how to do so. I'm new to permissions in FMP, so it would be very helpful if you can detail how I may accomplish the following:

If a user is in the LA group, then they can see all records, but only modify records where the "Office Location" field is set to LA.

If a user is in the NY group, then they can see all records, but only modify records where the "Office Location" field is set to NY.

If a user is in the Admin group, then they can see and modify all records.

I've looked through the forums, but haven't found a situation that seemed to matched this.

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Steven -- Many thanks for your reply. I had looked through the forum and seen much discussion about this, but am still struggling with actually making RLA work.

I've attached a copy of my DB with the custom privileges set. The two users I'm playing with at the moment are "lauser" and "admin" -- admin has full access, where the "lauser" should only be able to modify records where he is both in the "LA-Users" privilege set, and the "Office Connected To" field is set to "Los Angeles".

This is just a play database so I don't mind sharing the details of it. The usernames/passwords are admin/admin and lauser/lauser. There is also a jhbuser as another test.

Any help/guidance on accomplishing what I'm after is greatly appreciated!


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