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Hello again.

I'm back on coding a "sort again" form made of pop-up menus as much as possible because complex searches and sorts exeed hyperlink lenght and internet real-estate (screen space) is usually precious.

Intro: After a typical -find request is made to FMP, it returns the found set through a format file.

Find items:


Sort items:


Navigation items:


Other items:


The "sort again form" is to be put before or after all [FMP-Record] [/FMP-Record] pairs on the returned web page so web users can *add/modify/delete* Sort Item/Order of their find request.


Specs: FMPro 5.5v.2 and WebCompanion 5.5v3 at IP

with Netscape 4.79 and Mac OS 8.6 on a standalone PPC 603e. eh!


1.0 The returned page:

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">


<!-- First table is for the developer and shows in text the request -->


2.0 Keeping unchanged request values:

<!-- Second table is for the sort again form in pop-up menus-->

<TABLE><TR><TD>Search Again Form

<!-- Form is started in first TD because it generates a carriage return in the browser-->


<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-db" VALUE="[FMP-CurrentDatabase: HTML]">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-lay" VALUE="[FMP-CurrentLayout: HTML]">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-format" VALUE="[FMP-CurrentFormat]">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-skip" VALUE="[FMP-CurrentSkip]">

<!-- Keeping the Lop, find fields and find values -->

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-lop" VALUE="[FMP-CurrentLOP]">


<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-op" VALUE="[FMP-FindOpItem]">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="[FMP-FindFieldItem]" VALUE="[FMP-FindValueItem]">



3.0: Changing Sort items: -SortField, -SortOrder

The web user asked to sort on 2 fields: PostingDate:descend, Salary:descend

I'd like the form to offer 2 pop-ups with each the two values to choose from so they can then sort on Salary first, Posting date second. It should work with 3 or more sorts:

The page would show:

<!-- the first sort field was PostingDate -->

<SELECT NAME="-SortFieldItem">

<OPTION VALUE="PostingDate" SELECTED>PostingDate

<OPTION VALUE="Salary">Salary


<SELECT NAME="-Sortorder">

<OPTION VALUE="ascend">ascend

<OPTION VALUE="descend" SELECTED>descend


<!-- the second sort field was PostingDate -->

<SELECT NAME="-SortFieldItem">

<OPTION VALUE="PostingDate">PostingDate



<SELECT NAME="-Sortorder">

<OPTION VALUE="ascend">ascend

<OPTION VALUE="descend" SELECTED>descend


<TD ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=15% ><INPUT NAME="reset" TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset"></TD>

<TD ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=15% ><INPUT NAME="-find" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Sort Again!">




Couldn't use [FMP-If: SortfieldItem .eq. Something]

Couldn't use [FMP-If: Something .eq. {SortfieldItem}]

Couldn't use Radio Buttons format becase they would all switch toghether on the web page:-!

Couldn't use [FMP-FieldName] because FMP uses the same layout for finding and returning field values so too many fields apear in the pop-up menu.

Couldn't use [FMP-ValueList: FindFieldItems] because it expects a field name, not a tag.

Couldn't cacade [FMP-CurrentSort]


<SELECT NAME="-SortFieldItem">

<OPTION VALUE="">Remove Sort


<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-sortfield" VALUE="[FMP-SortFieldItem]">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-sortorder" VALUE="[FMP-SortOrderItem]">



<SELECT NAME="-Sortorder">

<OPTION VALUE="ascend">ascend

<OPTION VALUE="descend">descend




So, what can I do to parse SortFieldItems And SortOrderItems?



Replacement tags usable with [FMP-IF]

CurrentError, CurrentFoundCount, CurrentMax, CurrentRecordCount, CurrentRecordNumber, CurrentSkip, RangeEnd, RangeSize, RangeStart

Text comparisons

ClientPassword, ClientType, ClientUsername, CurrentAction, CurrentCookie, CurrentDatabase, CurrentFormat, CurrentLayout, CurrentToken



I'm happy no one had time to reply about my previous post's mistakes.


<!-- the second sort field was PostingDate -->

should have read:

<!-- the second sort field was Salary -->


<SELECT NAME="-SortFieldItem">

should have read

<SELECT NAME="-Sortfield">


Couldn't cacade [FMP-CurrentSort]


<SELECT NAME="-SortFieldItem">

<OPTION VALUE="">Remove Sort


<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-sortfield" VALUE="[FMP-SortFieldItem]">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-sortorder" VALUE="[FMP-SortOrderItem]">



<SELECT NAME="-Sortorder">

<OPTION VALUE="ascend">ascend

<OPTION VALUE="descend">descend



Should have read

*Can now* cascade [FMP-CurrentSort] but still can't position SELECTED exept by repeating SortfieldItem as 1st choice of pop-up menu.


<SELECT NAME="-SortField">

<OPTION VALUE="[FMP-SortFieldItem]" SELECTED>[FMP-SortFieldItem]

<OPTION VALUE="">Remove Sort


<OPTION VALUE="[FMP-SortFieldItem]">[FMP-SortFieldItem]



<SELECT NAME="-Sortorder">

<OPTION VALUE="[FMP-SortOrderItem]" SELECTED>[FMP-SortOrderItem]

<OPTION VALUE="ascend">ascend

<OPTION VALUE="descend">descend



Francois who hopes the "Sort Again Form" problem will yeild answers to the "Find Again Form in pop-up menus" problem.

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