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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Relation by range of date


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Here's the background - I have a file to track bills due for a regular pay cycle every two weeks. One table is the bill pay date, the other is the list of bills.

What I'm trying to do is this: I will have two dates on the paydate side, which would be the pay date and a start date which would be one day past the last paydate's date, so a start and end date for that pay clcle. Then on that page would be a portal of all of the bills that have due dates within that date range. So when I enter a new bill on the bill table side, the portal in the paycycle side would list all of the bills that have due dates after the start date, but prior to the end date.

I would not entirely be opposed to doing this with a script, but I would rather do it with relationship and portal if possible.

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Take a look and see if you can make the connection, to remake it works with dates instead:


Bear in mind the template is overkill compared to you situation, but when you get the gist of it, should it be obvious what to do in your case.


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This topic is 6190 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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