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Disallowing pre 8.5 OS X 10.5 connections

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This really pertains to Windows server as well, but I didn't find a better place to post.

Since FMI says that:

"Versions of our software earlier than FileMaker Pro 8.5 (8.0 and earlier versions of FileMaker Pro, Pro Advanced, Server and Server Advanced) will not be tested or supported with Leopard. These were developed and initially released years before Leopard became available. We can not update or support these older versions without impacting our support and development of our current product line.

While versions of FileMaker software earlier than 9 may install and run on Leopard, if you do so, you may encounter installation and stability issues for which there is no resolution. We strongly recommend you use current certified software."

... I'm wondering how / if people are preventing users of FileMaker Pro 8 or earlier running under OS X 10.5 from connecting to a FMS/A database, since the implication is that data could be mangled due to instability.


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