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how to set field value for container

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I see that one can set field values in scripts, but how does one set the value of a container field?

In particular, I have two fields ("IsRecordLocked" and "Signature"), the first is a text field and the second is a global container with a jpg of my handwritten signature. How do I get Signature to display my signature when IsRecordLocked = 1?

Thanks ahead for help.

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Case ( IsRecordLocked = 1; Signature )

or, if IsRecordLocked is really text,

Case ( IsRecordLocked = "Yes"; Signature )

Calculation result is Container (important).

Signature is a global, hence available from anywhere without a relationship. But you would have to be somewhere where IsRecordLocked is available, as it's a regular field. Why is it Text? I would think Number? I don't use "Yes" myself; I prefer a Boolean number.

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