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PDF as image prints low resolution


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I have placed a PDF of a form on a layout to use as a background and then placed fields on that to assemble a customized form appearance. When I print it to my Lexmark laser printer (or any printer for that matter) from a Mac it all prints in high resolution, but when I run the solution from my Win XP box it prints the PDF background image in very low resolution (I'm guessing 72ppi), but the fields on that same layout print smooth in high resolution. Is there any way to force the PDF to print in high res too?

As a test, I made a PDF of the layout (using Cute PDF writer) and discovered that the low resolution still occurred on the PDF image part but the filemaker parts were fine. How can I remedy this?

FMP 8.5 Advanced.

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  • 9 years later...
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I realize this is 7 years ago but I am putting my answer out here for the benefit of others.  my guess is that it is a print setting on your computer.  The same thing happens on my mac.  After nearly a year I figured out from the print window (which may be custom for adobe products) to click "advanced"  from there is a checkbox to "Print as Image 72 dpi" I unchecked that box and things are good now.   Same is likely on the PC.  




  • In the Print dialog box, click Advanced.

  • If a custom printer settings file exists with the settings you want, choose it from the Settings menu. Otherwise, choose Acrobat Default.


    To learn more about an option, select it. A description of it appears at the bottom of the dialog box.


  • If normal printing doesn’t produce the desired results, select ***Print As Image*** and choose a resolution from the drop-down list."

Screen Shot 2017-05-14 at 9.19.13 AM.png

Edited by ILIR
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