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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

FM5 won't display correct jpeg size


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I'm new to FM for the Mac, having recently purchased FM4 and now having just upgraded to FM5. I set up a FM4 database with a picture field in which I have 200 pixel high jpeg images. I already have hundreds of pictures,in the database. However, when I open the FM4 database in FM5, the 200 pixel high jpegs are just a few pixels high. They also print at the miniature size.

As a test, I then imported the same original 200 pixel high jpeg into FM5, but while the picture is a little larger than the converted jpeg from FM4, but still barely 1/3 of its original size.

Is FM5 doing something different with jpegs that makes it impossible to convert globally from FM 4 to FM5, or even worse, making it impossible to retain the correct pixel size information for jpegs? I hope not!!!

Any help would be appreciated.


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Field size is 5.764" wide x 2.875" high (415 pix wide x 207 pix high). It worked fine in FM4 and should accommodate 200 pixel-high jpegs. When viewing in FM5 the jpegs are so small as to be unrecognizable color smudges.

The jpegs are my original scans of artworks that I did in Photoshop 6.0. I have used similar scans made the same way in a multitude of Mac and PC applications without difficulty, so this is really bizarre.

I'm at a different computer right now and cannot check on whether the same problem happens in fields other than the picture field, but I can confirm that tomorrow if that will provide you with useful information.


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As a follow-up, I tried to import into another field in my database layout and the same problem occurred.

I also tried creating a new database directly in FM5 with only 1 large container field (400w x 300h pix), and then imported (inserted) the 200h pix picture again, with the very same problem occurring. I also tried other pictures. All that I tried came in at about 1/3 their original size, while the one that was a few pixels high remained that way.

It seems like FM5 is trashing the size parameters of the jpegs. This would be a very serious problem that would prevent me from using the newer FM version, as I do not have the time to recreate 130 pictures in some format that quirky FM5 will accept.

Any ideas on how to solve this?



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