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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Still Stuck


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Thank you very muh for the response but I'm still a little confused.

To be more speific: I have a "JOBS DB" with a customer name field and a job status radio field with "open and closed"

Now I have a DB named "BILL" I have a field to choose active customers with a pop up menu field.

I need my field "job" to be a pop up menu to list only open jobs for the particular customer previously choosen in the customer field.

Sorry, but I hope other people are learning something besides myself.

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I'm not sure where you are encountering the problem. Start by getting the customer value list working. Once that is working work on the job value list.

The first part of your problem can be solved exactly the same as your previous query about active/inactive vendors. Do the same thing for the active/inactive customers using a relationship based on a constant field value. That will allow the value list to display only active customers.

Once the customer value list is working OK, the next problem is to get the proper jobs to display in the job value list. To do this, create a relationship between the BILL db and the JOBS db based on the customer ID field. Then, create a value list for the pop-up job ID field. From the dialog that appears, select "use values from field...Specify..." and in the next dialog that comes up "only related values" and pick jobs::jobID etc.

This is a rather brief description of the what to do, and maybe you don't have things set up quite the way I think. So, if you are getting stuck on a particular step, please provide more details and we can work through it.

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This topic is 8681 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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