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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Associate record with layout?

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I'm in a position where I have a DB that has multiple uses, with only slight tweaking of each layout.

Is there a way to automatically associate a layout with a record so that FileMaker will change layouts when browsing from record to record?

It would be easy to associate a record with a layout by using a value list and a script, but how can I make FileMaker execute the associated script when browsing?


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Yes! You'll need to disable navigation to "next record" and "previous record" by all other means except a script (lock the status bar, etc.). Any script which changes what record is the current record will need to include a call to a subscript which tests:

If (Record Type = 1)

Go to Layout (Layout 1)

End if

If (Record Type = 2)

Go to Layout (Layout 2)

End if




Where the record types and layout names are yours to determine. Again, the key is that every way of changing a record must be accounted for. This will include a startup script when the file is first opened, not allowing a "Show All", not allowing a command-E delete, not allowing a command-F find, etc. EVERYTHING that changes what record you are on must be handled with a script that calls the layout selection subscript. -bd

[This message has been edited by LiveOak (edited January 31, 2001).]

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This topic is 8660 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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