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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Duplicating Records


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I have set up a database to describe the location of cells in Liquid Nitrogen stores.It comprises two relational databases, namely Cells database, which describes cell types and gives details regarding that cell type such as growth media etc. The second database (Banks database) describes cell location within the actual Liquid Nitrogen storage system and comprises 3 layouts. Layout one is the active list which describes all cells currently in the frozen stores, layout two is the inactive list which lists all cells that have been removed and these files have a thaw date. Finally layout 3 which is the data entry list shows all files ever created whether active or inactive and allows the creation/editing of records. If I access a file when in the active list layout, it seems to have recreated itself when I return to the data entry layout, as an entire new record with new record number despite already existing from the original entry. I have about 80 records in the cell database and about 1070 in the banks database, but I am still in the process of entering data.


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It is probably not possible to guess the cause without seeing the files. I notice you seem to confuse the use of "records" and "files", which are distinctly different entities in FM technical terminology. You describe "files" recreating themselves as "records". Files in FM exist at the desktop level. "Files" properly refers to your two databases, Cells and Banks. "Records" is a reference to individual cells in the cells database and Banks in the Banks database. Layouts don't really "have" records. We often use different layouts in combination with scripts to display different sets of records. If you navigate from the Inactive to Active layouts by a means other than using the button/scripts for this purpose provided by the developer, it is entirely possible to view "Active" records on the "Inactive" layout.

To really determine what is happening, an experienced FM developer may need to both see the databases and how you are using them.


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Assuming that you have disabled the menu commands by passwording, then the only way to add a new record is through scripting. Look for a "New Record/Request" in one of your scripts. Use a different script for editing, than the one used for adding.

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