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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×



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For scripting and other "how to's" try Scriptology by Matt Petrowsky & John Mark Osborne (ISBN 0-9660876-0-7). This is not a rewrite of the reference manual or a substitute for more tutorial works. You should have read the reference manual and/or more tutorial works before proceeding to Scriptology. -bd

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I looked into the scriptology book. It seemed to be what I would need, but it was based on Filemaker 4. Do you know if there will be an update coming out for version 5 or is there no significant different between the scripting for the two versions.

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I've got the Scriptology book for version 4 and work with FM 5.

Works fine for me! I haven't found anything that I needed that wasn't in the book. And it really does give good tips and advice.

It's smile.gif



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