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From time to time our client is having difficulty emailing from within our FM solution using SMTPit (and an SMTP Mail Server).

I don't really have details on the SMTP Server, but I do have the debug log from SMTPit.

Can anyone pin point (or guide me in the right direction) for what might be causing this?


Plugin: SMTPit Pro v.4.0.5

OS: Unknown Windows NT Version (Major: 5; Minor: 2) Advanced Server (Build 3790) Service Pack 2.0

DateTimeStamp: 8/26/2008 10:57:10

CrashingFunction: Send

Debug Back Log:

10:57:09 Full: <<== clsGenericProtocol::UpdateTimeout

10:57:09 Info: clsGenericProtocol::SendData: < QUIT

10:57:09 Full: ==>> clsGenericProtocol::PrepareWaitForCompletion

10:57:09 Full: <<== clsGenericProtocol::PrepareWaitForCompletion

10:57:09 Full: ==>> clsGenericProtocol::WaitForCompletion

10:57:09 Info: UpdateStatus: Sending QUIT Command...; ; 0%

10:57:09 Full: ==>> clsGenericProtocol::SocketDataSent

10:57:09 Full: ==>> clsGenericProtocol::QuitWaitForCompletion

10:57:09 Full: <<== clsGenericProtocol::QuitWaitForCompletion

10:57:09 Full: <<== clsGenericProtocol::SocketDataSent

10:57:09 Full: ==>> clsGenericProtocol::SocketDataAvailable

10:57:09 Full: ==>> clsGenericProtocol::UpdateTimeout

10:57:09 Full: <<== clsGenericProtocol::UpdateTimeout

10:57:09 Info: clsGenericProtocol::SocketDataAvailable: > 221 2.0.0 mail.arajobs.com.au Service closing transmission channel

10:57:09 Full: ==>> ReceivedNewLine

10:57:09 Full: ==>> ExtractStatusCode

10:57:09 Full: <<== ExtractStatusCode

10:57:09 Full: ==>> clsGenericProtocol::QuitWaitForCompletion

10:57:09 Full: <<== clsGenericProtocol::QuitWaitForCompletion

10:57:09 Full: <<== ReceivedNewLine

10:57:09 Full: ==>> clsGenericProtocol::UpdateTimeout

10:57:09 Full: <<== clsGenericProtocol::UpdateTimeout

10:57:09 Full: <<== clsGenericProtocol::SocketDataAvailable

10:57:09 Full: ==>> clsGenericProtocol::SocketDataAvailable

10:57:09 Full: <<== clsGenericProtocol::SocketDataAvailable

10:57:09 Full: ==>> clsGenericProtocol::SocketSessionClosed

10:57:09 Info: Remote Connection Closed

10:57:09 Full: ==>> clsGenericProtocol::QuitWaitForCompletion

10:57:09 Full: <<== clsGenericProtocol::QuitWaitForCompletion

10:57:09 Full: ==>> clsGenericProtocol::CleanUpSocket

10:57:09 Full: <<== clsGenericProtocol::CleanUpSocket

10:57:09 Full: <<== clsGenericProtocol::SocketSessionClosed

Exception Code: 0xC0000005


eax=0514FC24 ebx=04F962EF ecx=05144370 edx=0514CA60

esi=00000000 edi=0013DA68

ebp=0013DA8C esp=0013D618 eip=000002EA

Bytes at EIP:

Stack Dump:

04F96305 00000000 0066FEC4 0514CA60 0013D720 0013D654 0013D660 00000000

00000000 00000000 7C828752 0013D720 0013DA68 0013D73C 0013D6FC 0013DA68

7C828766 0013DA68 0013D708 7C828723 0013D720 0013DA68 0013D73C 0013D6FC

04F962E6 00000000 0013D720 0013DA68 7C8315C2 0013D720 0013DA68 0013D73C

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Param#5 Param#6 Param#7 Param#8 Param#9 Param#10 MachineCode

0013DA9C 04FA1019 0013DAC4 0514FC24 0013DABC 04F9D236 0013DB54 04F96338 00000000 FFFFFFFF 0013DAC4 0514FC24

59 59 5D C3 90 90 90 55

0013DABC 04F9D236 0013DB54 04F96338 00000000 FFFFFFFF 0013DAC4 0514FC24 0013DADC 04F96395 0000079D 00000268

5F 5E 5B 8B E5 5D C3 90

0013DADC 04F96395 0000079D 00000268 00000020 0013DADC 0514FC24 0013DADC 0013DB08 7739B6E3 00051944 0000079D

8B 45 F4 89 45 FC 8B 45

0013DB08 7739B6E3 00051944 0000079D 00000268 00000020 04F96338 DCBAABCD 00000000 0013DB54 04F96338 0013DB80

64 8B 0D 18 00 00 00 80

0013DB80 7739B874 04F96338 00051944 0000079D 00000268 00000020 0000079D 04F96338 00000001 00000024 00000001

89 45 E4 83 4D FC FF E8

0013DBB0 7739BFCE 00000000 04F96338 00051944 0000079D 00000268 00000020 00000000 00000000 00051944 01D22360

5F 5E 5D C2 18 00 90 90

0013DBD0 7739BF74 FFFF0105 00051944 0000079D 00000268 00000020 00000000 0013DC44 01D22341 FFFF0105 00051944

5D C2 14 00 90 90 90 90

0013DC44 01D22341 FFFF0105 00051944 0000079D 00000268 00000020 0013DCBC 01D222D4 00000000 773A12E5 00000000

89 45 EC 8B 4D F4 8B 45

0013DC70 7739B6E3 00051944 0000079D 00000268 00000020 01D222D4 DCBAABCD 00000000 0013DCBC 01D222D4 0013DCE8

64 8B 0D 18 00 00 00 80

0013DCE8 7739B874 01D222D4 00051944 0000079D 00000268 00000020 0013DD88 0013DD80 02599C20 00000024 00000001

89 45 E4 83 4D FC FF E8

0013DD50 7739BA92 00000000 01D222D4 00051944 0000079D 00000268 00000020 02599C34 00000001 0013DD80 05141980

8B 0D 08 12 3E 77 F6 01

0013DD60 773A16E5 0013DD80 00000001 0013DDD8 04FD0BF0 0013DD80 7739BA00 03CD71E0 04E412D4 05141980 04FD0C0F

5D C2 04 00 90 90 90 90

0013DDD8 04FD0BF0 0013DD80 7739BA00 03CD71E0 04E412D4 05141980 04FD0C0F 00051944 0000079D 00000268 00000020

EB 07 C6 86 8C 00 00 00

0013DE84 04ECE166 0514E104 00000002 00000000 04ECA498 0514E104 0013DE00 05021CF8 0514AAC4 0013DE3C 00000002

83 C4 08 8B 55 0C 80 7A

0013DED8 04ECE402 0013DEC4 0514E104 05146630 0013DE01 0013DE00 0013DEFC 0502497B 0508AB58 0013DEA0 00000038

83 C4 14 8D 55 EC 8B 45

0013DF50 04F2BAA8 0013DF2C 0514E104 05146630 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000001 0013DF5C 0502497B 050B604C

83 C4 18 FF 4D C8 8D 45

0013DFA4 04F28410 0514E104 0013E0C0 0502497B 050B475C 0013DF5C 00000038 00000000 0013DF68 00000002 00000022

59 66 C7 45 C8 44 00 BA

0013E170 04F29036 0514E104 03CD71E0 04E412D4 00000000 03CD71E0 04E412D4 00000000 00000000 05146590 9A8517BB

59 66 C7 85 60 FF FF FF

0013E508 04E59EFA 0013E250 0514E104 0514DFA4 051570E0 00000019 0000001E 03CD71E0 04E412D4 00000000 0013E144

83 C4 18 8D 95 48 FD FF

0013F2E0 04E44202 0013F24C 05143888 07D4D9F8 03CD71E0 04E412D4 00000000 05143888 00000000 00000000 00000000

83 C4 0C 8D 8D 64 FF FF

0013F348 01B0F92E 00030050 07D4D9F8 0013F304 03CC9420 014BBB20 03D90810 07D4DA1C 00000013 07BA9600 07BA960C

50 8D 4D EC FF 15 00 FB

07D4D9F8 01B0948A 0013F404 0013F368 076EB304 076EB2C0 07D4D9F8 0013F63C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

50 8D 4C 24 18 C6 84 24

07C7E618 00D00304 0B8F0001 07A699E8 00000000 0B010001 0B000100 076EB304 0013F614 0B960000 03D90810 03D90814

49 6E 64 65 78 41 6E 64

007A3E24 07C9CF00 00000001 001F4D18 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000021

00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00

0073F382 0073F37C 00503E20 005023D0 00740C30 00744EB4 00744EAE 00744EA8 00744EA2 00744E9C 00744E96 00744E90

FF 25 88 21 79 00 FF 25

218425FF 25FF0079 00792180 217C25FF 25FF0079 00792178 217425FF 25FF0079 00792170 216C25FF 25FF0079 00792168


Thank you,



Have you tried sending this to CNS support? I've had some problems with SMTPit over the 2 years I've been using their plugin and they have always responded.

Besides the log do you have a status or error field on your email layout? What error message are you getting? Generally, you can identify the problem from the error code.




Yes, I have gotten in contact with them. They have suggested we upgrade our version of the plugin, so we will go through that process as a start.


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