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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Enter a date range in a find script

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I am trying to find a range of dates automatically in a script. When I execute the script I get a question mark in the date, and a statement that no records match the request.

The script reads:



Enter Find Mode []

Set field ["date","Date(Month(Today),Day(Today-5),Year(Today))..Date(Month(Today),Day(Today),Year(Today))"]

Perform Find []

How do I go about scripting this to find the last five days?

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You were on the right track. The only problem is that you can't use Set Field when you have a date range. You have to use Insert Calculated Result instead. It's a Filemaker quirk. Use this:

Insert Calculated Result [date, DateToText(Status(CurrentDate)-5)&"..."&DateToText(Status(CurrentDate))]

Status(CurrentDate) is better than the Today function, because the Today function doesn't update if you leave Filemaker running past midnight, while Status(CurrentDate) is always correct.

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